
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while...you could miss it."

-Ferris Bueller from Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Friday, March 25, 2011

Journal 42: Dickinson or Whitman?

I think that if I had lived in the time of Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman, I would have chosen to read the poems of Emily Dickinson, because I liked her writing style a lot better. Because, in her poems, there is a certain rhythm to her poems and I found it a lot easier to understand and easier to decipher. Walt Whitman was just weird and wrote about a lot of disturbing type things that just kind of weirded me out when I was reading it. I mean, the way he wrote is something I do not think I would be reading that in that time period. But, if that was the only thing left for me to read, then maybe I would end up reading Walt Whitman eventually because I am the type of person to read pretty much anything, even if I do not like it.

I think the thing I did like about Emily Dickinson is that she wrote about feelings that I could actually understand, and I think that might be partially because she is a woman, so she had a better idea of feelings unlike Walt Whitman did. I mean, apparantly Walt Whitman was gay, so his ideas of feelings and emotions were slightly different, because for one he is a guy, but then I don't know, he just had a different writing style that I did not really care for. His poems were more difficult to analyze and try to decipher the meaning from and I did not really care for it at all. That, however, is just my opinion and the fact that I did not care for Walt Whitman and his writing style. I prefered Emily Dickinson and her more emotional way of writing and getting to the audience, instead of Whitman which was just disturbing in my opinion.

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