
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while...you could miss it."

-Ferris Bueller from Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Friday, April 1, 2011

Job Shadowing Experience

I went to Springfield High School for my jobshadowing, and I actually had a fun time. I got there around 8:10, which was 20 minutes early, and I am just going to say that that school is soooooo much bigger than our school here. Mr. Lightfoot, the teacher I was job shadowing, has two classrooms, and an even more weird schedule than most teachers there. For his first hour, I basically just sat there and watched him organize a trivia night that he is helping organize for next Monday, so I got to see that he does a lot more than just teach. Then his second hour was a sort of study hall, where I watched him grade some online tests. His third hour was an AP History class and for that I sat and observed him as he taught mainly juniors about the Cold War. After lunch he had another AP US History class where his student teacher taught the lesson, and then Mr. Lightfoot elaborated. His last class of the day was the lowest class of history, which had many of the kids that were struggling in history, and they were talking about concentration camps. After that class was over I was able to leave, because he had a collaboration hour followed by another prep, so I was able to leave around 1:30.

What I liked best about this was I got to watch a different teacher in a different school setting and watch his different teaching styles. I noticed that he was much more relaxed and laid back with his AP kids, but with the lowest level he had to be more strict and a lot more formal, and it gave me insight as to what it would be like for me if I decide to be a teacher at a bigger city school. All in all, it was a very good and fun day.

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