
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while...you could miss it."

-Ferris Bueller from Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Monday, May 9, 2011

Journal 44: Post Modernism Movie

I watched Titanic the other night, and yes, it is my favorite movie, and even though it is based on true events, the story of Jack and Rose is all fictional but has post modernism characteristics throughout. For example, Rose starts out the movie by being engaged to Cal, even though it is clearly obvious that she does not want to be married to him. She then proceeds to go against tradition and fall in love with a guy in third class, Jack. Throughout the course of the days the ship is still afloat, she meets up with him and goes against her mother's wishes. Although the technology of today is a lot more advanced than it was back in those times, the opening as well as closing scenes show the scientific advancements as compared to that time period because it shows submarines going down into the ocean to look at the Titanic, as well as the boats look a little bit more modern and scientific, which is another characteristic. Although the movie is a love story, there is a lot of science involved with the first couple of minutes into the movie along with the end. That could be another part of James Cameron's movie style as well, but it is also a given characteristic of post modernism. The authority in the movie is also corrupt because once again, in the beginning, Rose follows the directions of her mother, but smokes at the dinner table against her mother's wishes and runs away from her fiance's friend who is following them. So, Rose is quite free spirited and carefree when she wants to be, which shows the post modernism in the movie.

As I said before, the movie is based on the sinking of Titanic which did occur right around when modernism was becoming post modernism, but as I said before, the characteristics are still there of post modernism in the actual love story between Rose and Jack.

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