So even though its from 1998, the movie soundtrack to Titanic is one of the best I have ever heard, and I listen to many types of soundtracks. However, Titanic could be classified as one of the greatest soundtracks that goes along with the movie. James Horner is the composer of the music, and while listening to the music, the listener can feel as if they are in the movie, or at least watching it. Therefore, I would definitely recommend this soundtrack to anyone who really likes the movie, and wants more peaceful music to listen to as opposed to all the modern stuff that's out there, so its quite different than most music.
Although, unique can be cool as well. Because, I do listen to different music as opposed to many of my fellow classmates. Which, that does have its advantages at times because I know that I have my own unique style and listen to whatever I want. Which is why I then have to convince people to listen to my type of music. Sometimes that can be difficult, because people are all like, "why do you listen to this kind of music?" The thing is, it is what I am used to, so it is what I listen to and am comfortable with. Whenever I am feeling upset or anything I listen to movie soundtracks or classical type music, which is seems to be different from my fellow classmates. Another weird thing, though, is that I change my taste in music depending on my mood. Sometimes I listen to country, sometimes to modern, sometimes classical. It all just depends really on what I feel like listening to. That is why you should by the Titanic soundtrack. It is a CD you can add to your music collection, and be able to listen to whenever it strikes your fancy. I would definetly reccommend it, for anyone who likes relaxing music and very well composed music as well.
Although, unique can be cool as well. Because, I do listen to different music as opposed to many of my fellow classmates. Which, that does have its advantages at times because I know that I have my own unique style and listen to whatever I want. Which is why I then have to convince people to listen to my type of music. Sometimes that can be difficult, because people are all like, "why do you listen to this kind of music?" The thing is, it is what I am used to, so it is what I listen to and am comfortable with. Whenever I am feeling upset or anything I listen to movie soundtracks or classical type music, which is seems to be different from my fellow classmates. Another weird thing, though, is that I change my taste in music depending on my mood. Sometimes I listen to country, sometimes to modern, sometimes classical. It all just depends really on what I feel like listening to. That is why you should by the Titanic soundtrack. It is a CD you can add to your music collection, and be able to listen to whenever it strikes your fancy. I would definetly reccommend it, for anyone who likes relaxing music and very well composed music as well.
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